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[Recherche de partenaires] Alliance sectorielle sur l’amélioration de la formation des jeunes agriculteurs

ATHINA Educational Network, réseau basé en Grèce, recherche des partenaires pour monter un projet sur le développement de la qualité et de l’attractivité de la formation continue pour les agricultures et les jeunes qui se forment dans ce secteur.

Il s’agit d’un projet « alliance sectorielle pour les compétences » sur le programme Erasmus +. Le but de ces alliances est de lutter contre la pénurie de compétences en identifiant les besoins sectoriels du marché du travail et la demande de nouvelles compétences.

Les partenaires recherchés sont des administrations publiques, des PME, des associations, des centres de formation, des agences régionales …

Les manifestations d’intérêt sont attendues avant le 25 mars auprès de Dimitrios PHILIPPIDIS (contact@athinaedunet.gr).

Description du projet (en anglais) :

Partner search under the Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliances

ATHINA Educational Network, based in Crete, Greece, is looking for partners in order to submit a project proposal under the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2: Sector Skills Alliances – EACEA 04/2017 https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/funding/sector-skills-alliances-2017_en

The project “Knowledge and Awareness Network on Sustainable Agricultural Sector – KANSAS” aims to contribute to the improvement of the quality and attractiveness of the Continuing VET for farmers and for young people who wish to engage themselves in the agricultural sector. The main activities of the proposed project are:

  • Identify in different European countries the needs in knowledge, skills and competencies of current, and especially young farmers and stipulate them in accordance to the European Qualification Framework.
  • Design curricula and create educational content that will be used in transnational learning activities. The blended learning approach is proposed, where face to face learning and on the field learning activities are combined with e-learning via a suitable platform.
  • Assessment of knowledge, skills and competencies obtained by the participants, adopting Europass Certificate Supplement.
  • Setting up a portal for the transfer and dissemination of best practices in sustainable agriculture. Also, the portal could be used, after the end of the program, as a basic business networking tool between farmers, thus strengthening the farmer’s community capacity building.

Types of partners sought: Public bodies, SMEs/SMEs Associations, Regional Body Agencies, etc.

Deadline for proposal submission: 2 May 2017

Interested parties are kindly invited to express their interest by 25 March 2017 to the following contact person:


CEO – ATHINA Educational Network

Kazantzaki 5, Rethymno 74100 Crete

+30 6944 655575
