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[Recherche de partenaires] Une association espagnole recherche des partenaires pour un échange de bonnes pratiques Erasmus + KA2 sur la lutte contre l’absentéisme et le décrochage scolaire

Une association espagnole recherche des partenaires dans le cadre d’un projet Erasmus + action-clé 2 partenariat stratégiques sur la lutte contre l’absentéisme et le décrochage scolaire.

Objectifs :
– identifier les bonnes pratiques en Europe sur la luttre contre l’absentéisme et le décrochage scolaire
– développer des outils de prévention et des formations pour les professionnels

Types de partenaires recherchés : établissement d’enseignement secondaire, administration publique, centre de recherche ou associations en lien avec le domaine de l’éducation et de la jeunesse

Date limite de manifestations d’intérêt : 17 mars 2017

Contact :
Fernando Relinque Medina
Phone: (+34) 959 30 20 32
Mail: info@aocdgibraleon.com
Address: Avda. Palo Dulce, no26, 1aplanta. 21500. Gibraleón (Huelva) Spain

Description détaillée (en anglais) :

ERASMUS + PROJECT. KEY ACTION 2_ Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices: Strategic Partnerships in the field of education, training and youth.

Name of the project: SHERPA – Development of teaching guides based on good practices for the prevention of absenteeism and school failure in Europe.

AOCD (Asociación Olontense Contra la Droga) is a NGO created in 1993 with main objective of intervening in the field of addictions and prevention in the school environment.
Aware of the importance of school education in the formation of a person, our Association is working, since 2002, in school field, with projects to prevent addicted substances consumption and to prevent the school failure. The entity, with national scope, is implementing projects in Andalucía and Extremadura, Spanish regions. We are currently developing projects which include the three scopes which are related to addiction problems:

PREVENTION: we act before things happen. We develop universal and selective preventive projects; prevention which is recommended in different fields: schools, families and in the local community.
SUPPORT: we support people who have addition and family problems.
SOCIAL REHABILITATION: once we have developed a detoxification project or once we have paid a visit to prison, we support our users in order to improve their social-laboral rehabilitation.

Main objective:
To develop and improve the tools of educational training for professionals who work with students of secondary education in Europe, to prevent school absenteeism and early school leaving.

Specific objectives:

To identify and study the good practices developed in European territory guided to absenteeism prevention and early school leaving;
To develop tools and specific training units for prevention;
To carry out virtual training systems for the development of preventive skills in of educational professionals;
Conduct formative sessions in different European countries that encourage theimplementation of good practices in entities related to education for the absenteeism prevention and school failure.


Erasmus + call, in which we are going to present SHERPA Project, is guide to strategic partnerships in the field of education, training and youth.

Therefore we’re seeking entities with experience in international projects that must have one of following characteristics:

Partner 1: Secondary School Center motivated in the intervention and prevention in the field
of school absenteeism and school dropout;
Partner 2: Public administration with competence in the educational field;
Partner 3: University or Research Center with research trajectory in the educational field;
Partner 4: NGO associated to intervention with children and / or youth in schools.

To carry out this project we are looking for a minimum of two partners and a maximum of

17 th March 2017 – Deadline for partners to join the project;
22 nd March 2017 – Deadline for partners to send the required legal documentation;
29 th March 2017 – Deadline to present the SHERPA Project to Erasmus + call;
1 st October 2017 – Beginning of the SHERPA Project in case of financing;
30 th September 2020 – End of the project in case of financig.


Fernando Relinque Medina
Phone: (+34) 959 30 20 32
Mail: info@aocdgibraleon.com
Address: Avda. Palo Dulce, no26, 1aplanta. 21500. Gibraleón (Huelva) Spain